Friday, November 16, 2007

721 post-mortem

A day after my trip to bandung kenneth, izu and me had a late night meeting at izu's resident in federal hill.
We went through the event in detail and concluded that it was actually a good start to all the effort.
There is still a lot more room for improvement and it would be more productive if there are more contributors.
The challenge is to invite more writers and guest speakers.
Anyway we ended our discussion at 5 in the morning and felt good that we have been very honest in making
things happen.
I cant write much at the moment as i am waiting for my flight home from jakarta.
Too bad I can't join the Teh tarik session tonite.
Yes a technological marvel to be able to write out of your i-phone.

Friday, November 09, 2007

721 small talk

Personally i was very pleased that two things happened within a couple of weeks after our EGM. A blogsite was created and a talk series was launched. Very significant for the graphic design industry. The turnout for the talk was double than what was expected 24 attendees. Not bad for a three days notice. I wont go into detail as it would be reported i presume on the

My concerns were.. The talk was somewhat diverted from the intentions of what I had expected. The host ie Izu of www.galleriiizu seems to have taken over the night propogating more of himself and his future programmes. As a host he has taken the limelight from the guest speakers. I have to frantically signal him to cut short is introduction as it has taken up more than the time allocated to him. I thought it was suppose to be more of a dialogue among the attendees.

The second concern is the blog is now featuring news from others. I was hoping that the blog would be more focus on design.

I always remind myself that whatever we do we must not forget that the central idea of the association is to help fellow designers share news, knowledge and expertise that is relevant.

I sincerely hope that it should meant well!

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Rebranding the association

A couple of weeks ago I was invited to attend the graphic design association of Malaysia's wREGA emergency general meeting to address its current state of affairs. Being the founding member of the association I was compelled to look into the situation and conribute in any way I possibly can.

I lost touch with the association almost three years ago to concentrate on the business that I am currently in and thought I would start getting back into the association next year.

Unfortunately, the circumstances does not permit the delay.

Here are some thoughts I brought forward during the meeting and also during the Teh Tarik session...

wREGA moving forward

B4 coming out with a strategy lets look back & analyse.

Lets identify wrega's central idea so that first thought that comes to mind would be easily established within the targetted audience.

Brands are about 'what is there in it for me'

wREGA is all about giving ......HELP

Only then it would stay relevant to all designers.

HELP in.....

Help me in my studies

Help in my career

Help me excel as a designer

Help in making me be cool being a designer

Help in making me experience the life of a designer

Help me improve my life as a designer

Help me in giving opportunities to make decisions as a designer

Help me realise my dream of being a designer.

Otherwise you are no good to me.....period!!!

Once we have established this central idea of what wREGA is then the next best thing is to prove it.

The objective of 'help' comes in various forms.

.-Assist (advise, guide, etc)

- Share (experiences, knowledge etc)


How. ....?

Establish our audience.

Design students and design related schools eg. Mass comm

Young designers

Established designers


Govt. Agencies.

Younger designers and would-be designer make up the the mass targeted audience that we are after.

Currently there are not much events catering to their professional needs. Naturally they are more inclined to be seen in social events like clubbing, etc. To attract them we need to offer them what they fancy.

Offering sources of knowledge with social interaction in an informal environment could trigger an interest in for them to participate.

The fundamental idea of these activities is to start changing the designers mind set from a 'visual' designer to a 'thinking designer'. We give them a platform to exchange ideas with speakers of various background, young or old within the creative industry so that they can decide or think for themselves whats best in this wide and multi discipline industry.

Secondly we need to inject reality that the 'glamour' world of designers is not as easy as you might think. Bring out into the spot light the behind the scene of the design world and reveal the hardship and etc in achieving success. Catwalk is the result of fashion, a furnished room is to an interior designer, an mtv clip or an animated ad or a website. They are all the finished end product that is tangible and be seen by the mass. What about the graphic designer. Are their work visible enough to the mass?


All these need to be communicated in the current new medium from blogging , you tube , my space, facebook, sms. etc .

What comes out of it is...

721 small talk on the 7th and 21st of every month.

Sharing experience etc. Dialoque rather than presenter's monoloque. Audience participation is crucial. End up with an open topic of local design issue to discuss.

Its all about Branded Identity like an FMCG it has a life cycle and needs to evolve to stay relevant with the times.

Comes this Wednesday the 7th history is in the making.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Foxy Lady

Quite unusual to find a domesticated baby fox minggling around humans . Found this during the DiGi GeGeRiuh Carnival in Kuala Terengganu recently.

Foxy lady

Monday, August 13, 2007

The Powerbook G4

Its good to be able to use it again. At least for the time being while my I book awaits for the logic board and hard drive replacement. Unfortunately the power cable and adapter ran into some kind of problem when plugged in. The cable from the adapter to the mac seems burnt from the electrical heat. This is due to the cable being rolled around the adapter when not in use. In the end the thing conked out.
Time for a new power cable.
The shocker is the orignal would cost you rm390 for a 65W. For a compatible piece it would cost you rm 300.
Solution ImBi Plaza. A shop on the 2nd floor run by some Pakistani, was willing to try and open up the adapter and replace the burnt wire.

WALAH ! problem solved. It took them about one a half hours to open, repair replace the wires, glue and a few rounds of duck tape.

The final thing cost me rm20.

Works just like new.

Another satisfied customer.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007


I am compelled to write, after a very, very long time.

Having been an avid Macintosh user since the early 90s, my most trusted Brand of computer has finally turned me down : (

Over the years I have the pleasure of owning the PowerPC 6200/75, PowerPC 7100/66 AV, Macintosh IIfx, 15" Powerbook G4, Apple Stylewriter 2400, 60GB Ipod video and finally the 13" black Ibook 80GB.

Yesterday, 6 Aug 2007 the unthinkable happened. My Ibook crashed at about 1.30pm right after lunch. There was that spinning icon of a curser which doesn't seem to come to a stop. My next reaction would be to press the start up button. The screen went blank for a bit longer than usual, then the unfamiliar little envelope with the question mark appears staring at you.

Oh oh. what happened? Not to worry, its a Mac. nothing can possibly go wrong, and at worst, if everything fails than my friend Zul will know how to deal with it, after all it is still under Warranty.

"Sorry Bro, how I wish I could share with you some good news but unfortunately, your Mac really did crashed on you and there is nothing else we can do" said Zul. He just shook his head and said that the hard disc emits a certain 'clicking' sound at start-up, indicating a 'hardware problem'.

...........the ill fated hard drive

The next reaction, my documents. How do i access them, I was halfway through preparing 3 or 4 proposals and need to submit one of them by tomorrow. Ok, stay cool.

You got to do what you got to do. Lets start all over again.

Actually I had an option of retreiving my files. A shop in Low Yat can do it. For a 80GB it would cost me about rm 1900. And I may have to wait for a month, because they have to send it to Korea. At 70% success rate, I thought maybe its not worth while.

Maybe its worth a lot more than that. The proposal is worth alot more. It's OK, maybe I should be alot more careful in future, and maybe its time I clean house with proper documentation and archiving.

Whats lost. Well family pictures, some important documents, emails, presentations etc and the list goes on.

Nevertheless, lucky thing I had my computer backed-up 6 months ago. So all is not too bad.

Moral of the story is, SHIT do Happen! ....even to Macs.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Time to update the blog!!!