Friday, November 09, 2007

721 small talk

Personally i was very pleased that two things happened within a couple of weeks after our EGM. A blogsite was created and a talk series was launched. Very significant for the graphic design industry. The turnout for the talk was double than what was expected 24 attendees. Not bad for a three days notice. I wont go into detail as it would be reported i presume on the

My concerns were.. The talk was somewhat diverted from the intentions of what I had expected. The host ie Izu of www.galleriiizu seems to have taken over the night propogating more of himself and his future programmes. As a host he has taken the limelight from the guest speakers. I have to frantically signal him to cut short is introduction as it has taken up more than the time allocated to him. I thought it was suppose to be more of a dialogue among the attendees.

The second concern is the blog is now featuring news from others. I was hoping that the blog would be more focus on design.

I always remind myself that whatever we do we must not forget that the central idea of the association is to help fellow designers share news, knowledge and expertise that is relevant.

I sincerely hope that it should meant well!

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