Monday, October 20, 2008

Beyond the horizon

If you look way beyond the horizon, you may not necessarily find what you're looking for. But you know its there, so you hop onto your bike and ride towards it and upon reaching your 'destination' (where ever that is) turned back and head for home. Its all about the journey. That's what I did last Sunday.

The hill in the distance at the center of the picture is actually one of the hills surrounding Karak highway. (yes clearly visible form Bukit Antarabangsa) Did I find what I have been looking for? Yes I did found my rhythm and balance in riding, very rusty since Ramadhan.

I need to gear up in time for the next road show starting from the 25th of October (every weekend) till early next year.

This is a new client. We have been working hard at it for the last many weeks and will continue pitching further (which should explain why the lapse in updating the blog).
Another worth while client is in the works as we have done presentations after presentations and finally awaiting their final push to the BOD.
We are already into the 4th quarter of the year and the gloomy global outlook for next year did not leave us much to be desired but to look beyond that horizon and capture what ever thats left of the limited economic opportunities.

If by now you still cant see the horizon, then start wearing glasses! (yang macam pungkok botoi tu).


el isman said...

My thoughts by night are often filled with visions false as fair.
For in the past alone,I build My castles in the air.
-Castles in the air

dmystify said...

I dwell not now on what may be:
Night shadows o'er the scene:
But still my fancy wanders free
Through that which might have been.