Fresh out of the box and onto the table..
On the left is the new 13" MacBook next to the PowerBook G4
Finally got my replacement macBook. The last one I lost was my 13" black MacBook while filming Thorpe Ali's movie trailer 'Miss Tomoi'. In total, this is my 7th Macintosh.
Finally got my replacement macBook. The last one I lost was my 13" black MacBook while filming Thorpe Ali's movie trailer 'Miss Tomoi'. In total, this is my 7th Macintosh.
Except for the lost black MacBook, the rest I still have in my possession and they are - Power PC 6200/75, Power PC 7100/66, Macintosh IIfx, 15" PowerBook G4, iMac G5 and the latest 13" white MacBook 2.4 Ghz Intel Core Duo. Not forgetting the 8Gb iPhone, 2Gb iPod, 60Gb iPod AV and an original Apple stylewriter.
I was very fortunate to have had the privilege of using Macs like many light years ago. We used to order our Macs direct from Mac Warehouse in Hong Kong and I have been hooked to Macs ever since. To a certain extend I may have influenced not less than 10 Mac converts and so far I have yet to hear a single complain. Testimony to that growth is the setting up of the one and only Malaysia Mac User Group - myMUG