Fair enough I am now accused and punished (not even suspected) of copyright infringement of my own video which I shot and edited personally making me the rightful owner.
The thing that puzzles me is I have to fill in my phone number and home address which I had omitted in my facebook profile. I don't understand why do they need this. Do they want to visit me? Do they want to send me a snail mail?
I am made to fill in a form and declare that I am the rightful owner otherwise face the consequences as stated below..
Hello, We have removed your video entitled "Goodbye Fandi" uploaded at 7:46am February 15th, 2009. We did this because we learned that your video might include copyrighted material owned by a third party, such as a video clip or background audio. If you are the copyright owner, or have permission from the rights holder to upload and distribute this material on Facebook, you may file a counter notice of alleged infringement by following the link below.
Please note that if you re-upload this video without filing a counter notice, or if you upload another video that infringes on the rights of a third party, our system will again remove the content. This could cause your access to the Facebook Video application to be disabled, or your Facebook account to be disabled.
Lu pikir lah sendiri...
owh..because of the audio lah bos..last time i also got this when i uploaded my short film to youtube..
Omigod You are absolutely Right !!. I used Led Zeppelin's Whole Lotta Love as Audio background...
Damn .... so much for conspiracy theory...
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